Whitelist Email blocked as SPAM

We are sorry! Despite our best efforts, valid emails get classified as SPAM and they get rejected by our email server. When our email server rejects such emails, it gives an error message as follows

552-Message categorized as SPAM.
552-If you feel it is mis-categorized, please visit
552-http://www.safentrix.com/whitelist to resend the email.
552 Your key is: caeb675710e2e7fac77c9834474f7040  (#5.6.1)

The text that is Italicized, Underlined and in Red is the Security key. You can use this security key to validate your email. This way, when you resend the email, the system will recognize it as a valid email and will not block the same. The system will also ensure that such emails are not classified as SPAM in the future. Without further delay, we will now proceed to whitelist your email. Kindly enter the following details:

From email address
This email address should be the 'From' email ID used in the email you tried to send.

Example: jobs@safentrix.com
To email address(es)
Please enter the email addresses you sent the email to. If you sent it to multiple addresses, please separate the addresses by commas.

Example: sales@safentrix.com, info@safentrix.com
Whitelist Key
In the bounce message you received, there will be a security key. Kindly enter the key in here.
Send this email for analysis
If you choose 'Send this email for analysis', the system will ensure that such emails are not classified as SPAM in the future